Today’s Bible Reading

November 28

Old Testament I
2 Chronicles 27, 28
2 Chronicles 27:

2 Chronicles 27 describes the reign of Jotham, who became king of Judah at the age of 25 and ruled for 16 years. Jotham did what was right in the eyes of the Lord and continued the reforms of his father Uzziah, although he did not remove the high places where people continued to offer sacrifices. Jotham was successful in his military campaigns against the Ammonites, who paid him tribute, and he built up the defenses of Judah with strong towers and walls. Jotham grew in power because he sought the Lord and followed His ways.

2 Chronicles 28:

2 Chronicles 28 tells the story of Ahaz, Jotham's son, who became king of Judah at the age of 20 and ruled for 16 years. Unlike his father, Ahaz did not follow the ways of the Lord but instead worshiped idols and led the people of Judah astray. He even offered his own son as a sacrifice to a pagan god. As a result, the Lord allowed the kings of Israel and Syria to defeat Judah and take many of its people captive. Ahaz sought help from the king of Assyria, but this only led to further trouble for Judah. In the end, Ahaz died and was not honored as a king because of his wickedness.

Old Testament II
Ezekiel 44
Ezekiel 44 is a chapter in the book of Ezekiel, which describes the prophet's vision of the future temple in Jerusalem. This chapter specifically deals with the role of the Levitical priests in the temple and the regulations that govern their conduct.

The chapter begins with the Lord commanding Ezekiel to take note of the temple gate through which he is entering, which is to remain closed and not be used by anyone except the Lord Himself. This gate is reserved for the Prince, who is to sit in it and eat his meals in the presence of the Lord.

Ezekiel is then told to instruct the priests on the duties and responsibilities that come with serving in the temple. The Lord emphasizes the importance of keeping the temple clean and pure, and warns against allowing any uncircumcised or unclean person to enter the sanctuary.

The priests are also given specific instructions on their dress code and conduct, including the prohibition of wearing woolen garments during their service in the temple. They are also commanded to abstain from wine when on duty and not to marry widows or divorced women, but only virgins from the tribe of Israel.

The Lord also gives instructions on the types of sacrifices that are to be offered in the temple, including burnt offerings, sin offerings, and guilt offerings. The priests are to be responsible for performing these sacrifices and ensuring that they are done according to the Lord's instructions.

Finally, the chapter ends with the Lord promising to be a source of blessing to the people of Israel, as long as they obey His commands and keep His sanctuary pure.

In summary, Ezekiel 44 emphasizes the importance of purity and obedience in the worship of the Lord, and highlights the responsibilities and conduct of the Levitical priests in serving in the temple.

New Testament
John 20
John 20 is a chapter in the New Testament that focuses on the events surrounding Jesus' resurrection. Here is a summary of the chapter:
  1. Mary Magdalene discovers the empty tomb (verses 1-2): On the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb where Jesus had been buried and found it empty.
  2. Peter and John investigate (verses 3-10): Peter and John run to the tomb and find it empty as well. They see the burial clothes but no body, and they leave wondering what has happened.
  3. Mary sees the risen Lord (verses 11-18): Mary returns to the tomb and sees two angels who tell her that Jesus has risen. Jesus himself appears to her and she realizes who he is.
  4. Jesus appears to his disciples (verses 19-23): Jesus appears to his disciples, who are hiding in a locked room, and shows them his wounds. He then commissions them to continue his work.
  5. Jesus appears to Thomas (verses 24-29): Thomas, who was not present when Jesus appeared to the other disciples, doubts their story. Jesus appears to him and invites him to touch his wounds.
  6. The purpose of John's gospel (verses 30-31): John explains that he has written his gospel so that people may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing they may have life in his name.
Overall, John 20 emphasizes the reality of Jesus' resurrection and the importance of believing in him as the Son of God. It also shows Jesus' compassion and patience with his disciples, even when they doubt or misunderstand him.