Today’s Bible Reading

November 27

Old Testament I
2 Chronicles 26
2 Chronicles 26 tells the story of Uzziah, who became king of Judah at the young age of 16. Uzziah was a righteous king who sought after God and was successful in his reign. He defeated the Philistines, the Arabians, and the Meunites, and built up the defenses of Jerusalem.

Uzziah also made innovations in agriculture and warfare, and he was known for his skilled leadership. However, he became proud and entered the temple of the Lord to burn incense on the altar, an act that only the priests were allowed to do. The high priest, Azariah, and eighty other priests confronted Uzziah and told him that he was not allowed to do this. But Uzziah became angry with them and was struck with leprosy by the Lord as a punishment for his arrogance.

Uzziah was then forced to live in isolation for the rest of his life, and his son Jotham took over the kingdom in his place. Despite his sin, Uzziah is remembered as a successful and prosperous king who sought after the Lord for much of his reign.

Old Testament II
Ezekiel 43
Ezekiel 43 is a continuation of the prophet's vision of the glory of God and the restoration of the Temple. In this chapter, Ezekiel is brought by the Spirit of God to the east gate of the Temple, where he sees the glory of the God of Israel coming from the east. The sound of the Lord's coming is like the sound of many waters, and the earth shines with His glory.

The Lord tells Ezekiel to take note of the measurements and design of the Temple. He tells Ezekiel that this is the place where He will dwell among His people forever. The Lord then commands Ezekiel to describe the design of the Temple to the house of Israel so that they may be ashamed of their sins and repent.

The Lord gives Ezekiel instructions for the altar, explaining that it must be made of earth or uncut stones, as these are not defiled by the touch of iron. The Lord also commands the priests to wear linen garments and forbids them from wearing anything that causes sweat.

Finally, the Lord promises to restore the priesthood to its rightful place, saying that the Levites who turned away from Him will no longer have access to the sanctuary, but the sons of Zadok, who remained faithful, will serve in the Temple as priests. The chapter ends with the Lord promising that He will never leave His people or His sanctuary, and that He will always be with them.

New Testament
John 19:17-42
John 19:17-42 recounts the events surrounding the crucifixion and burial of Jesus Christ. Here is a summary of the passage:

After being flogged, Jesus was led out of the city to a place called Golgotha, where he was crucified along with two other criminals. Pilate, the Roman governor, had a sign placed above Jesus' head that read "Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews."

Some of Jesus' followers stood nearby, including his mother, Mary, and the disciple whom Jesus loved, likely John himself. Jesus spoke to his mother and to John, entrusting Mary to John's care.

As Jesus hung on the cross, he said, "It is finished," and then he died. A soldier confirmed that he was dead by piercing his side with a spear.

Two men, Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, took Jesus' body down from the cross and prepared it for burial according to Jewish custom. They wrapped his body in linen cloths with spices and placed it in a tomb nearby.

The tomb was new and had never been used before. It belonged to Joseph of Arimathea, who was a wealthy and respected member of the Jewish council. The tomb was sealed with a large stone.

Mary Magdalene and another woman named Mary were present at the tomb and saw where Jesus was laid. They went home to prepare spices and perfumes to anoint Jesus' body.

In this passage, we see Jesus' suffering and death, as well as the care taken by his followers to prepare his body for burial. We also see the fulfillment of prophecy in Jesus' crucifixion, as he was "pierced" and buried in a rich man's tomb. The passage sets the stage for the miraculous events of Jesus' resurrection, which is the foundation of the Christian faith.