Today’s Bible Reading

November 14

Old Testament I
2 Chronicles 5:1 - 6:11
2 Chronicles 5:1-6:11 recounts the dedication of the temple that King Solomon had built for the Lord. The passage details the bringing of the ark of the covenant into the temple, the offering of sacrifices, and Solomon's prayer of dedication.

The chapter begins with the priests and Levites bringing the ark of the covenant from the City of David to the temple. Once the ark was placed in the Most Holy Place, the priests and Levites made offerings of sheep and oxen.

When the sacrifices were finished, the glory of the Lord filled the temple, and the people fell on their faces in worship. Solomon then gave a speech, acknowledging that the temple could not contain the Lord but was built as a place for His name to dwell.

Solomon then led the people in prayer, acknowledging God's greatness and faithfulness to His promises. He asked God to bless the temple and the people who worship there and to hear their prayers when they prayed toward the temple.

Solomon recognized that the temple was a symbol of God's presence among His people, and he prayed that God would always be present in their midst and forgive them when they sinned.

In summary, 2 Chronicles 5:1-6:11 tells the story of the dedication of the temple and the importance of the temple as a place where God's presence could be felt among His people. Solomon's prayer recognizes God's greatness and faithfulness and asks for His continued presence and forgiveness.

Old Testament II
Ezekiel 29:1 - 30:19
Ezekiel 29:1-16 contains a message from God to Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, regarding his arrogance and pride. God declares that he will bring a sword against Egypt and will make it a desolate wasteland for forty years. Even the surrounding nations will be affected by this judgment. Egypt had trusted in its own strength, but God would show them that only He is truly powerful.

In Ezekiel 29:17-21, God declares that after the forty-year judgment on Egypt, He will restore the nation and its people. Egypt will once again become a prosperous nation, but they will remember the punishment they received from God.

Ezekiel 30:1-19 contains a series of prophecies against Egypt and its allies. God declares that Egypt will be judged for its sin, and He will use Babylon to execute that judgment. Other nations that have aligned with Egypt will also suffer punishment. The destruction of Egypt will be so great that it will take seven years to bury all the dead. The message to the people of Egypt is to repent and turn to God before it is too late.

Overall, the message of these passages is that God is sovereign over all nations and will judge those who act in pride and sin against Him. Egypt, which had trusted in its own strength and alliances, would suffer the consequences of their disobedience. However, God also offers hope and restoration for those who turn to Him in repentance.

New Testament
John 11:1-27
John 11:1-27 narrates the story of Lazarus, a friend of Jesus, who had fallen sick and died. The passage can be summarized as follows:

  1. Jesus receives news of Lazarus' sickness. Lazarus was the brother of Mary and Martha, who were also close friends of Jesus. They sent word to Jesus, telling him that Lazarus was sick.
  2. Jesus delays his response. Jesus knew that Lazarus' sickness would not lead to death but to the glory of God. He stayed where he was for two more days before heading to Bethany, where Lazarus lived.
  3. Jesus arrives in Bethany after Lazarus' death. By the time Jesus arrived, Lazarus had been dead for four days, and his body had already been placed in a tomb.
  4. Jesus comforts Martha and Mary. Martha and Mary were grief-stricken over the loss of their brother. Jesus comforted them and assured them that Lazarus would rise again.
  5. Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. Jesus went to the tomb and called out to Lazarus, who came out alive, still wrapped in burial clothes.
  6. Many people believe in Jesus. The people who witnessed the miracle of Lazarus' resurrection believed in Jesus and his power.

In summary, John 11:1-27 depicts Jesus as the source of life and the resurrection, who has power over death and brings hope to those who believe in him.