Today’s Bible Reading

November 12

Old Testament I
2 Chronicles 1, 2
2 Chronicles 1 begins with Solomon, the son of King David, taking his place as the new king of Israel. Solomon seeks to honor the Lord and follows in his father's footsteps by bringing offerings to the temple. God appears to Solomon in a dream and offers him anything he wishes. Solomon humbly asks for wisdom and understanding to lead the people of Israel. Pleased with his request, God grants him wisdom, but also promises him riches, wealth, and honor.

In 2 Chronicles 2, Solomon begins preparations to build the temple in Jerusalem. He enlists the help of Hiram, the king of Tyre, who sends skilled workers and materials to aid in the construction. Solomon also conscripts a large number of laborers from among the Israelites to work on the temple. The chapter ends with a description of the massive amounts of materials, including gold, silver, and cedar, that were collected for the temple's construction.

Overall, these chapters highlight the importance of seeking wisdom and honoring God in leadership, as well as the immense resources and efforts required to build a temple worthy of God's presence.

Old Testament II
Ezekiel 27
Ezekiel 27 is a prophetic chapter in the Old Testament that contains a lamentation or a funeral song over the city of Tyre, a prominent trading city in the ancient world. The chapter is divided into three parts: the opening lament (verses 1-11), the description of the city's wealth and trading partners (verses 12-25), and the concluding lament (verses 26-36).

In the opening lament, Ezekiel compares Tyre to a magnificent ship that has been destroyed by a great storm. The city is described as a proud and arrogant trading center that has now been brought low by the judgment of God.

In the second section, the prophet describes the wealth and trading partners of Tyre. He lists a variety of commodities that were traded by the city, including precious metals, fabrics, and spices. The city's wealth and success are attributed to its favorable location and the skill of its merchants. However, Ezekiel also notes that the city's prosperity had made it arrogant and had led to its downfall.

In the concluding lament, Ezekiel describes the destruction of Tyre and the mourning of its people. He notes that the city's downfall will have a ripple effect, as its trading partners will also suffer as a result. The chapter ends with a message of warning to other prosperous cities that they too could fall if they do not humble themselves before God.

Overall, Ezekiel 27 is a powerful condemnation of pride, materialism, and the worship of wealth. It reminds readers that all worldly things are fleeting and that true prosperity and security can only be found in God.

New Testament
John 9:39 - 10:18
John 9:39-41:

In these verses, Jesus speaks to the Pharisees who had been questioning the man who was born blind and had been healed by Jesus. Jesus explains that he came into the world to bring judgment, so that those who cannot see may see and those who claim to see may become blind. The Pharisees take offense at this statement, thinking that Jesus is calling them blind, but Jesus tells them that if they were truly blind, they would not be guilty of sin. However, because they claim to see, their guilt remains.

John 10:1-6:

Jesus uses the metaphor of a shepherd and his sheep to explain his role as the savior of the people. He explains that the one who enters through the gate is the shepherd of the sheep, and the sheep recognize his voice. The sheep will not follow a stranger because they do not recognize his voice.

John 10:7-10:

Jesus declares that he is the gate for the sheep, and whoever enters through him will be saved and will come in and go out and find pasture. He explains that a thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy, but that he has come to give life to the fullest.

John 10:11-18:

Jesus continues the metaphor of the shepherd and the sheep, explaining that he is the good shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep. He contrasts himself with the hired hand who does not care for the sheep as he should. Jesus says that he knows his sheep and they know him, just as the Father knows him and he knows the Father. He also says that he has other sheep who are not of this sheep pen, and he must bring them also so that there will be one flock and one shepherd. He reiterates that he willingly lays down his life for the sheep, and that no one can take his life from him because he lays it down of his own accord. Finally, he states that he has the authority to lay down his life and to take it up again, as he has received this command from the Father.