Today’s Bible Reading

November 10

Old Testament I
1 Chronicles 28
1 Chronicles 28 records a speech by King David to the leaders of Israel, in which he announces his intention to build a temple for the Lord. He begins by declaring that he had desired to build a house for the Lord since the day he was anointed king over Israel, but God had forbidden him from doing so because he was a man of war and had shed much blood. Instead, God had chosen David's son Solomon to build the temple.

David then addresses Solomon directly, charging him to be strong and courageous and to observe the Lord's commands. He reminds Solomon of the great responsibility he has been given in building the temple, and exhorts him to work diligently and faithfully to complete the task.

David then provides detailed instructions for the construction of the temple, including the materials to be used and the design of various elements such as the altar, the inner sanctuary, and the cherubim. He also speaks of the importance of the Levites and priests in the worship of the Lord, and charges them to faithfully carry out their duties.

David concludes his speech by calling on the people of Israel to serve the Lord with wholehearted devotion, and to give generously to the construction of the temple. He blesses the assembly and departs, leaving Solomon to begin the monumental task of building the house of the Lord.

Old Testament II
Ezekiel 24, 25
Ezekiel 24 begins with the Lord speaking to Ezekiel and telling him to write down the date, as it would mark a significant event in the history of Israel. The Lord then tells Ezekiel to prepare a cooking pot and put in it various pieces of meat, symbolizing the people of Jerusalem. The pot is then to be placed on the fire and boiled until the meat is thoroughly cooked. This symbolizes the coming judgment on Jerusalem, which will be severe and final.

The Lord then tells Ezekiel that his wife will die, and he is not to mourn her publicly. This is to serve as a sign to the people of Israel that they should not mourn when the Lord brings judgment upon them.

In chapter 25, the Lord speaks to Ezekiel concerning the neighboring nations of Ammon, Moab, Edom, and Philistia. The Lord declares judgment upon these nations for their various sins and transgressions against Israel. The Lord makes it clear that He will not tolerate the mistreatment of His people, and that these nations will suffer the consequences of their actions.

In particular, the Lord declares that He will make an example of the Philistines, who have long been a thorn in Israel's side. The Lord will destroy their cities and kill their inhabitants, showing the world that He is a God who should be feared and respected.

Overall, these two chapters show the severity of God's judgment and the consequences that come from disobeying His commands. They also show the importance of obedience and the need to take sin seriously, as the Lord will not overlook it.

New Testament
John 9:1-17
John 9:1-17 tells the story of Jesus healing a man who was born blind. As Jesus and his disciples were walking along, they saw the man and the disciples asked Jesus if the man's blindness was caused by his own sin or the sin of his parents. Jesus answered that neither had caused the blindness, but that the man was blind so that the works of God could be displayed in him.

Jesus then spat on the ground, made mud with the saliva, and spread the mud on the man's eyes. He told the man to go wash in the Pool of Siloam. The man obeyed and was healed, and he could see for the first time in his life.

The man's neighbors were amazed and some even doubted that it was the same man who had been blind. They brought him to the Pharisees, who were also amazed and began questioning the man about how he had been healed. The man told them what had happened, and the Pharisees became divided. Some believed that Jesus was a sinner for healing on the Sabbath, while others were unsure.

The Pharisees questioned the man's parents, but they were afraid to speak because they feared being thrown out of the synagogue. So, they told the Pharisees to ask their son, who was of age and could speak for himself. The Pharisees again questioned the man and he told them that Jesus was a prophet.

The Pharisees refused to believe the man's testimony and accused him of being born in sin and trying to teach them. They threw him out of the synagogue. Jesus later found the man and asked him if he believed in the Son of Man. The man asked who the Son of Man was, and Jesus revealed that he was the one. The man believed and worshiped Jesus.

In summary, John 9:1-17 recounts the miraculous healing of a man who was born blind by Jesus, and the disbelief and division that followed among the Pharisees. The story demonstrates Jesus' power and authority, as well as the Pharisees' unwillingness to believe in him. It also emphasizes the importance of faith and belief in Jesus as the Son of God.