Today’s Bible Reading

September 28

Old Testament I
1 Kings 20
1 Kings 20 describes the conflict between King Ahab of Israel and the Aramean king, Ben-Hadad. Ben-Hadad attacked Israel with a large army, demanding that Ahab give him all of his silver, gold, wives, and children. Ahab reluctantly agrees, but when Ben-Hadad also demands access to his palaces, Ahab refuses.

In response, the Arameans declare war on Israel. The prophet of God, in response to Ahab's prayers, tells him that God will give him victory over the Arameans. Ahab's army goes to battle and defeats the Arameans with God's help. Ben-Hadad is captured and spared, but he promises to return and take revenge on Israel.

Later, a prophet disguises himself as a wounded soldier and tells Ahab a parable about a man who let a prisoner escape, only to be killed in his place. The prophet reveals that Ahab has let Ben-Hadad go, and as a result, Ahab will lose his life for sparing an enemy of God's people.

In the end, Ahab repents, and God shows mercy by postponing the punishment until the reign of Ahab's son. The chapter concludes with a brief summary of Ahab's reign and his alliance with King Jehoshaphat of Judah.

Old Testament II
Jeremiah 49
Jeremiah 49 contains a prophecy of judgment against various nations, including Ammon, Edom, Damascus, and Kedar. The chapter begins with a message against the Ammonites, who are accused of boasting and attacking Israel. The Lord declares that he will bring terror upon them from all sides, and their cities will be laid waste.

Next, Jeremiah prophesies against Edom, who are accused of pride and arrogance. The Lord declares that he will bring them down from their lofty heights and make their land desolate. The chapter then turns to a message against Damascus, who are accused of being full of violence and deceit. The Lord declares that he will set fire to their cities and bring judgment upon them.

Finally, the chapter concludes with a prophecy against Kedar and the kingdoms of Hazor, which are accused of being plundered and oppressed. The Lord declares that he will bring judgment upon them and scatter them to the four winds. However, in the end, the Lord promises to restore the fortunes of his people and bring them back to their land.

New Testament
Hebrews 3
Hebrews 3 is a chapter in the New Testament that compares the faithfulness of Moses and Jesus. The author argues that while Moses was faithful as a servant in God's house, Jesus is faithful as the Son over God's house.

The chapter begins with an exhortation to consider Jesus, the apostle and high priest of our confession. The author then compares Jesus to Moses, pointing out that while Moses was faithful in his role as a servant, Jesus is worthy of more glory because he is the Son of God.

The author goes on to warn his readers against unbelief, using the example of the Israelites who rebelled against God in the wilderness. He reminds his readers that God was angry with that generation and that they did not enter into his rest because of their unbelief.

The author then encourages his readers to hold fast to their confidence in Christ, reminding them that if they remain steadfast, they will share in Christ's inheritance. He concludes the chapter by quoting Psalm 95, reminding his readers that today is the day of salvation and warning them not to harden their hearts like the Israelites did in the wilderness.