Today’s Bible Reading

September 27

Old Testament I
1 Kings 19
1 Kings 19 tells the story of the prophet Elijah's flight from the wrath of Queen Jezebel, who had vowed to kill him after he defeated her prophets of Baal in a dramatic contest on Mount Carmel.

Elijah, feeling overwhelmed and alone, fled to the wilderness and prayed for God to take his life. An angel of the Lord appeared to him, providing him with food and water and urging him to continue his journey to Mount Horeb, where God would speak to him.

At Mount Horeb, Elijah encountered God in a powerful way. God spoke to him in a still, small voice and reaffirmed his mission as a prophet. God also revealed that there were 7,000 faithful Israelites who had not bowed down to the false god Baal.

Elijah, strengthened by his encounter with God, returned to Israel and anointed Elisha as his successor. Together, they continued to prophesy against the wickedness of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel.

The chapter ends with Elisha leaving his family and livelihood to follow Elijah as his servant and apprentice.

Old Testament II
Jeremiah 48
Jeremiah 48 is a chapter in the Old Testament book of Jeremiah, which contains prophecies regarding the nations surrounding Israel. Chapter 48 specifically focuses on the nation of Moab, which was located east of the Dead Sea and was a long-standing enemy of Israel.

The chapter begins with a prophecy of destruction against the city of Nebo, a major city in Moab. The Lord declares that Nebo will be destroyed, and the people will be put to shame. The chapter then goes on to describe the devastation that will come upon the entire nation of Moab, including their cities, fields, and vineyards. The Lord declares that Moab's pride and arrogance will be brought low, and they will be humbled before the God of Israel.

The chapter also describes the sorrow and mourning that will come upon the people of Moab as a result of the destruction. The Lord declares that their gods will be unable to save them and that they will be left with nothing but shame and disgrace.

Throughout the chapter, the Lord emphasizes that the destruction of Moab is a direct result of their pride and arrogance, as well as their refusal to acknowledge and serve the true God. However, the chapter ends on a note of hope, as the Lord declares that he will restore the fortunes of Moab in the latter days if they turn to him in repentance and faith.

Overall, Jeremiah 48 serves as a warning to all nations and peoples that pride and rebellion against God will ultimately lead to destruction, but that there is hope for those who turn to him in humility and faith.

New Testament
Hebrews 2
Hebrews 2 begins with a warning to pay close attention to the message of salvation that has been spoken by God through His Son. The author emphasizes that the message of salvation is not to be taken lightly or ignored, for there will be a severe punishment for those who do not believe.

The author then goes on to explain the supremacy of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, over angels. Although angels are powerful and majestic beings, Jesus is superior to them in every way, for He has been appointed by God to rule over all creation.

The author also emphasizes the humanity of Jesus, who was made lower than the angels for a little while in order to suffer and die for the sins of humanity. By doing so, Jesus made it possible for those who believe in Him to be saved and to become heirs of God's kingdom.

The author concludes by urging believers to hold fast to their faith in Jesus and to encourage one another in their walk with God. He reminds them that Jesus is their high priest, who sympathizes with their weaknesses and is able to help them in their time of need.