Today’s Bible Reading

September 24

Old Testament I
1 Kings 15:33 - 16:34
First Kings 15:33-16:34 covers a period of time in the northern kingdom of Israel when the kingship was unstable and marked by political intrigue, assassination, and idolatry.

In 1 Kings 15:33, we are introduced to King Baasha, who reigned for 24 years. He was an evil king who continued the sins of Jeroboam, who had set up golden calves in Bethel and Dan for the people to worship instead of going to Jerusalem. Baasha came to power by assassinating the previous king, Nadab, and wiping out all of Jeroboam's descendants.

In 1 Kings 16:1-7, the prophet Jehu came to Baasha and prophesied that his dynasty would come to an end because of his wickedness. Baasha's son Elah succeeded him, but he reigned for only two years before he was assassinated by Zimri, one of his officials. Zimri then proceeded to wipe out all of Baasha's family and supporters.

However, Zimri's reign was short-lived, lasting only seven days. The people of Israel, who had not recognized Zimri as their king, rallied behind Omri, the commander of their army, and laid siege to the royal palace. Zimri set the palace on fire and perished in the flames.

Omri then became king of Israel and reigned for 12 years. He was also an evil king who did more evil than all the kings who preceded him. He continued the practice of idol worship and even built a new capital city, Samaria, which became a center of idolatry.

After Omri's death, his son Ahab succeeded him and reigned for 22 years. Ahab was even more evil than his father and was heavily influenced by his wife, Jezebel, who was a devotee of the Canaanite god, Baal. Ahab not only worshiped Baal himself but also encouraged the people of Israel to do the same. This led to a great conflict between the prophets of God and the prophets of Baal, which is recounted in 1 Kings 18.

In conclusion, the passage covers a tumultuous period in the history of Israel, marked by political instability, assassination, and widespread idolatry. It highlights the consequences of turning away from God and the importance of following His commands.

Old Testament II
Jeremiah 35
Jeremiah 35 tells the story of the Rechabites, a tribe of people who had made a vow to never drink wine or build houses. God commands Jeremiah to invite the Rechabites to the temple and offer them wine to drink, but they refuse, citing their vow to abstain from wine.

God uses this example of the Rechabites' faithfulness to their vow as a contrast to the unfaithfulness of the Israelites, who continually disobey God's commands. God promises to bless the Rechabites for their faithfulness and punish the Israelites for their disobedience.

Through this story, God emphasizes the importance of keeping vows and honoring one's commitments. He also warns that disobedience will lead to punishment, but faithfulness will lead to blessings.

New Testament
Colossians 4:2-18
In Colossians 4:2-18, Paul encourages the believers in Colossae to devote themselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. He asks them to pray for him and his fellow workers, so that they may proclaim the mystery of Christ clearly. Paul also gives instructions to the Colossians on how to interact with outsiders, speaking graciously and making the most of every opportunity to share the Gospel.

Paul concludes his letter by sending greetings from various individuals, including Tychicus, Onesimus, Aristarchus, Mark, and Justus. He also instructs the Colossians to share his letter with the Laodiceans and to read the letter from Laodicea. Paul ends with a personal greeting, reminding the Colossians of his imprisonment and urging them to remember his chains in their prayers.