Today’s Bible Reading

September 2

Old Testament I
2 Samuel 18:1-19:8
2 Samuel 18:1-19:8 recounts the aftermath of Absalom's rebellion against his father David, which ultimately led to his death in battle.

The chapter begins with David organizing his army to face Absalom's forces. David divides his troops into three groups, and he himself decides to stay behind in the city. Before sending his soldiers off, David instructs them to spare Absalom's life.

The battle takes place in a forest, and Absalom's forces are defeated. During the fighting, Absalom is caught in a tree by his hair, and Joab, one of David's commanders, kills him despite David's earlier command to spare him.

David is devastated by the news of Absalom's death, and he mourns deeply. However, Joab confronts David and tells him to stop mourning and to go out and congratulate his soldiers for their victory.

David follows Joab's advice and goes out to meet his troops. He publicly thanks them for their bravery and also expresses his grief over Absalom's death, which dampens the soldiers' spirits.

The chapter concludes with David returning to Jerusalem and being restored as king. However, he is still mourning the loss of his son, and his grief causes his people to feel ashamed of their victory.

In summary, 2 Samuel 18:1-19:8 portrays the tragic end of Absalom's rebellion against his father David, and the emotional toll it takes on both David and his people. Despite his victory, David is unable to celebrate fully due to his grief over Absalom's death.

Old Testament II
Jeremiah 2
Jeremiah chapter 2 is a continuation of the prophetic message that Jeremiah received from the Lord. In this chapter, God speaks to the people of Judah and reminds them of their unfaithfulness and ingratitude towards Him.

The chapter begins with God asking the people of Judah what wrong their fathers found in Him that they went after other gods and turned away from Him. God reminds them of how He had rescued them from slavery in Egypt and led them through the wilderness to a land flowing with milk and honey. Yet, despite all He had done for them, they had turned to other gods.

God then compares the people of Judah to a young bride who has abandoned her husband, saying that they have forsaken Him, the fountain of living waters, and have dug for themselves broken cisterns that can hold no water.

God goes on to list the sins of Judah, including their idolatry, their love of foreign gods, and their refusal to listen to the prophets whom He had sent to warn them. He accuses them of forsaking Him, the God who had brought them out of Egypt, and of turning to worthless idols.

In the latter part of the chapter, God announces His judgment against Judah for their unfaithfulness. He declares that He will bring disaster upon them and calls on them to repent and turn back to Him. Despite all of their sin and rebellion, however, God still offers them the opportunity to repent and return to Him, promising that if they do so, He will restore them to their former glory.

Overall, the message of Jeremiah 2 is a call to repentance and a warning of the consequences of turning away from God. It is a reminder that despite our sin and rebellion, God is always ready and willing to forgive us if we turn back to Him in humility and repentance.

New Testament
Galatians 4:1-20
Galatians 4:1-20 discusses the relationship between believers and the Law of Moses. Paul begins by using an analogy of a child who is under the care of a guardian until he reaches a certain age. In the same way, believers were under the Law until Christ came and redeemed them. Paul argues that believers should not return to the Law because they have been set free by Christ's sacrifice.

Paul then rebukes the Galatians for turning back to the Law, and he questions whether his labor for them was in vain. He reminds them of the joy they had when they first received the gospel and urges them to return to that faith. He also reminds them of his own personal sacrifice and love for them as their spiritual father.

Paul then contrasts the true gospel with the false teachings of the Judaizers, who were insisting that Gentile believers must be circumcised and keep the Law in order to be saved. He accuses them of being false teachers who are enslaving the Galatians and perverting the gospel of Christ.

Finally, Paul appeals to the Galatians to imitate his own example of faith and to reject the false teachings of the Judaizers. He encourages them to live by the Spirit, rather than by the flesh, and to bear the fruit of the Spirit in their lives.