Today’s Bible Reading

September 10

Old Testament I
1 Kings 2
1 Kings 2 is primarily focused on the transition of power from King David to his son Solomon. As David reaches the end of his life, he instructs Solomon on how to be a wise and just king, and gives him some final commands.

In the first few verses of the chapter, David tells Solomon to be strong and to keep the commands of God. He reminds him of some unfinished business, specifically that he promised to deal with Joab, who had committed treacherous acts against both David and his son Absalom.

David also tells Solomon to show kindness to the sons of Barzillai, who had helped David during his time of exile. He advises Solomon to remember the evil deeds of Shimei, who had cursed David, and to deal with him appropriately.

David then dies and is buried in Jerusalem. After his death, Adonijah, one of David's other sons, attempts to seize the throne. However, Bathsheba, Solomon's mother, goes to him and reminds him of David's promise that Solomon would be king. Solomon is then anointed as king, and Adonijah is pardoned, but warned not to make any further attempts to take the throne.

Solomon then deals with Joab, who had fled to the altar for protection. Solomon orders his execution, along with the execution of Shimei. Solomon is then firmly established as king and begins his reign with the blessing of God.

Overall, the chapter serves as a reminder of the importance of obedience to God and wise leadership. It also emphasizes the need for justice, even in difficult situations.

Old Testament II
Jeremiah 10
Jeremiah 10 is a chapter in the Old Testament book of Jeremiah that contains a warning against idolatry and a declaration of God's sovereignty over all nations.

The chapter begins with a warning against following the ways of the nations and making idols out of wood and silver. Jeremiah describes how these idols are made by human hands and have no power to help or harm anyone. He contrasts this with the true God, who is the maker of all things and the only one deserving of worship.

Jeremiah then declares God's sovereignty over all nations and emphasizes that the true God is not just the God of Israel but also the God of all nations. He warns that any nation that does not acknowledge God's sovereignty will be destroyed.

The chapter ends with a prayer of the prophet asking God to discipline his people and bring them back to him. Jeremiah acknowledges the people's sins and asks God to forgive them and show them mercy.

Overall, the chapter is a call to turn away from idolatry and to recognize the true God's sovereignty over all nations. It emphasizes the importance of worshiping God alone and the consequences of disobedience.

New Testament
Ephesians 4:1-16
In Ephesians 4:1-16, the apostle Paul encourages believers to live a life worthy of their calling by walking in humility, unity, and love. He begins by exhorting them to walk in a manner worthy of the calling they have received from God. This means living a life of humility, gentleness, patience, and bearing with one another in love. Paul emphasizes the importance of maintaining unity in the body of Christ, which is made possible through the peace that comes from the Holy Spirit.

Paul then emphasizes the importance of the various roles and gifts within the church. He describes Christ as the head of the church and the source of all spiritual gifts. He also emphasizes the diversity of these gifts, and the fact that they are given for the common good of the body. Each member has a unique role to play, and when they all work together in unity, the body is built up and strengthened.

Finally, Paul emphasizes the importance of growing in maturity as believers. This involves putting off the old self and putting on the new self, which is created in the image of God. As we grow in Christ, we are transformed by the renewing of our minds, and we are able to discern God's will more clearly. Through this process of growth and transformation, we become more like Christ and are better equipped to serve Him and others in the body of Christ.