Today’s Bible Reading

July 7

Old Testament I
Joshua 24
Joshua 24 is the final chapter of the book of Joshua and contains the final words of Joshua to the Israelites before his death. In this chapter, Joshua calls all the tribes of Israel together to Shechem, where he reminds them of all that God has done for them, from the time of their forefather Abraham to the present day.

Joshua then gives the people a choice: to serve God or to serve other gods. He tells them that if they choose to serve God, they must put away all other gods and serve Him with sincerity and faithfulness. The people respond that they will serve the Lord, and Joshua records this in a covenant written in the book of the law of God.

After this, Joshua sets up a large stone as a witness to the covenant and reminds the people that God is a jealous God who will not forgive them if they turn away from Him and serve other gods. He then dies at the age of 110, and the people of Israel bury him in the land of his inheritance, Timnath-serah.

In summary, Joshua 24 is a call to the Israelites to choose to serve God and put away all other gods. It is also a reminder of all that God has done for the Israelites and a testimony to the faithfulness of Joshua and his commitment to God.

Old Testament II
Isaiah 19, 20
Isaiah 19 begins with a prophecy against Egypt, which had a reputation for being a strong and mighty nation. However, the Lord declares that he will send a fierce and cruel king to conquer Egypt, bringing turmoil and confusion to the land. The prophecy goes on to describe how Egypt's economy will be devastated and its leaders will be foolish and incompetent, unable to offer any real solutions to the problems facing the nation. Despite this, the Lord promises that Egypt will not be destroyed completely, but that a remnant of believers will continue to worship him.

Isaiah 20 shifts the focus to the prophet himself, who is commanded by the Lord to walk around naked and barefoot for three years as a sign of the coming judgment against Egypt and Cush (Ethiopia). This was a shocking and humiliating act, which would have brought shame and ridicule upon Isaiah. However, he obeyed the Lord and carried out this strange and difficult task.

Through these prophecies, Isaiah emphasizes the sovereignty and power of God, who is able to bring both judgment and mercy upon nations and individuals. He also highlights the importance of obedience and faithfulness to God's commands, even when they seem difficult or unpopular.

New Testament
2 Thessalonians 3
2 Thessalonians 3 begins with Paul's request for prayer, asking the Thessalonians to pray for him and his fellow workers that the gospel may be spread quickly and that they may be protected from evil men.

Paul then reminds the Thessalonians of the importance of work and the value of earning one's own living. He encourages them to avoid idleness and to follow his example of hard work.

Paul then addresses the issue of some members of the Thessalonian church who were behaving in a disorderly manner, refusing to work and living off the generosity of others. Paul urges the church to discipline these individuals and to withdraw from them if they do not heed his words.

Paul concludes by offering a final prayer for the Thessalonians, asking that the Lord would establish and strengthen them in every good work and word. He also gives a personal greeting and closes the letter with his own hand.