Today’s Bible Reading

July 30

Old Testament I
1 Samuel 2
1 Samuel 2 is a chapter in the Old Testament that contains Hannah's prayer of thanksgiving after God granted her request for a son, Samuel. The chapter also introduces us to Eli and his sons, who were priests in Israel.

In her prayer, Hannah praises God for his faithfulness and power, and she acknowledges that God has the ability to exalt the lowly and humble the proud. She speaks of God's sovereignty over life and death, and she rejoices in the gift of her son, whom she dedicates to God's service.

The chapter then shifts to Eli and his sons, who are described as corrupt and wicked priests who do not honor God's commands. They abuse their priestly power, taking more than their share of the sacrifices brought to the Lord and committing sexual immorality with women who serve at the tabernacle.

God sends a man of God to Eli with a message of judgment, warning him that his family will be cut off from the priesthood because of their sin. Eli accepts the judgment and acknowledges God's righteousness, but he does not take strong enough action to discipline his sons, and their behavior continues to worsen.

Overall, 1 Samuel 2 emphasizes the importance of honoring God and obeying his commands, and it contrasts the faithfulness of Hannah with the corruption of Eli and his sons.

Old Testament II
Isaiah 45:9-25
Isaiah 45:9-25 is a chapter that contains a message of hope and redemption for the Israelites. It starts with God reminding the people that He is the creator of all things, and that they should not question His ways. He also reassures them that He is in control and will bring about their salvation.

The chapter then goes on to describe Cyrus, a Persian king who would conquer Babylon and allow the Israelites to return to their homeland. God refers to Cyrus as His anointed one and acknowledges that He has chosen him for this task, despite the fact that Cyrus is not a follower of the Israelite religion.

The Israelites are encouraged to turn to God and trust in Him, knowing that He is the one who can save them. God promises to protect them and provide for them, and to give them the strength they need to rebuild their lives and their nation.

The chapter ends with a call to all nations to recognize the power of God and to worship Him. It is a reminder that God is not just the God of the Israelites, but of all people, and that He has the power to bring about redemption and salvation for all who turn to Him.

New Testament
2 Corinthians 5:11 - 6:10
2 Corinthians 5:11-6:10 is a passage in which the Apostle Paul speaks about the ministry of reconciliation and the responsibilities that come with it. Here is a summary of the main points:

Verses 11-15: Paul begins by explaining that he and his fellow workers are motivated by the fear of the Lord to persuade others to follow Christ. He emphasizes that Christ's love compels them to do this work and that their aim is to live for Christ, not for themselves.

Verses 16-17: Paul then speaks about how believers should view one another. He encourages them to no longer view each other according to their worldly standards, but rather to see each other as new creations in Christ.

Verses 18-21: Paul explains the ministry of reconciliation that has been given to him and other believers. He emphasizes that through Christ's death and resurrection, believers have been reconciled to God and are now called to be ambassadors of reconciliation to others.

2 Corinthians 6:1-2: Paul urges believers to receive God's grace and not to receive it in vain. He emphasizes that now is the time of salvation and encourages them to respond to God's call.

2 Corinthians 6:3-10: Paul then describes the hardships and difficulties that he and his fellow workers have faced in their ministry. He emphasizes that despite these challenges, they have been faithful to God and have demonstrated the characteristics of true servants of God.

Overall, this passage emphasizes the importance of the ministry of reconciliation and the responsibilities that come with it. Believers are called to see each other as new creations in Christ and to be ambassadors of reconciliation to others. Though there may be difficulties and challenges, believers are encouraged to remain faithful to God and to live for Him rather than for themselves.