MAY 25

Deuteronomy 3
Deuteronomy 3 is a continuation of Moses' discourse to the Israelites, as they prepare to enter the Promised Land. Moses recounts the battles and victories they had against King Og of Bashan and King Sihon of Heshbon. He describes how God gave them the victory, and how they took possession of their lands.

Moses reminds the Israelites that they should not be afraid, for God is with them. He urges them to obey God's commands and not to turn to idolatry. Moses tells them that he will not be able to enter the Promised Land with them, but he encourages them to be strong and courageous, and to trust in God's promises.

The chapter also includes instructions on how to divide the land among the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and half of the tribe of Manasseh. Moses appoints Joshua as his successor and encourages him to be strong and courageous in leading the people.

Overall, Deuteronomy 3 emphasizes the importance of obeying God, trusting in his promises, and being strong and courageous in the face of challenges. It also highlights the importance of leadership and the need for a strong and faithful leader to guide God's people.

Ecclesiastes 3:16 - 4:16
In Ecclesiastes 3:16-4:16, the author reflects on the injustices and frustrations of life. They note that despite the fact that there is a time for everything, people often cannot see the bigger picture and are unable to understand why things happen the way they do. The author also observes that injustice is prevalent in the world and that oppressors often go unpunished while the oppressed suffer.

Furthermore, the author notes that life can be lonely and isolating, as people struggle to connect with one another and form meaningful relationships. The pursuit of wealth and success can be futile, as it ultimately does not bring true happiness or fulfillment.

However, the author also offers a glimmer of hope, suggesting that there is value in companionship and that it is better to have someone to share one's joys and sorrows with. The author encourages readers to enjoy the simple pleasures in life and to trust in God's ultimate plan, even when it is difficult to understand.

Overall, Ecclesiastes 3:16-4:16 offers a complex reflection on the challenges of life, acknowledging the difficulties and injustices while also suggesting that there is hope to be found in companionship and faith.

Luke 7:1-29
Luke 7:1-29 is a passage that tells the story of several encounters between Jesus and various individuals. The chapter begins with the healing of a centurion's servant, who the centurion had sent for Jesus to heal. Jesus marvels at the faith of the centurion, who believed that Jesus could heal his servant without even being present.

Next, Jesus raises a widow's son from the dead in the town of Nain. This miracle leads many to believe that Jesus is a prophet of God.

John the Baptist, who is in prison at this time, sends his disciples to Jesus to ask if he is truly the Messiah. Jesus responds by pointing to the many miracles he has performed and the fulfillment of prophecies about him.

Jesus then praises John the Baptist, calling him the greatest prophet who has ever lived, but also noting that the least in the kingdom of God is greater than John.

Finally, Jesus criticizes the religious leaders of the time for their lack of faith and their hypocrisy. He tells them that they are like children who refuse to play with others, no matter what game is offered to them.

Overall, this passage shows Jesus as a powerful healer and miracle worker, as well as a teacher who calls out the hypocrisy of those in power. It also highlights the importance of faith in God and the fulfillment of prophecy in Jesus' ministry.