MAY 22

Numbers 35:9 - 36:13
In Numbers 35:9-34, God commanded the Israelites to set aside cities for the Levites to live in, as well as six cities of refuge for anyone who accidentally killed someone to flee to. This was to ensure that justice was carried out and to prevent bloodshed.

In Numbers 36:1-13, the heads of the families of the tribe of Manasseh came to Moses with a concern about the inheritance laws. They were worried that if a woman from their tribe married someone from another tribe, their land would pass on to the husband's tribe and they would lose their inheritance. God responded by giving a new law that if a woman inherited land, she must marry within her own tribe to keep the land within the family. This ensured that the land would not pass on to another tribe and that the inheritance would remain in the family.

Overall, these laws show the importance of justice and fairness in society, as well as the importance of preserving family inheritance and lineage.

Proverbs 31
In Numbers 35:9-34, God commanded the Israelites to set aside cities for the Levites to live in, as well as six cities of refuge for anyone who accidentally killed someone to flee to. This was to ensure that justice was carried out and to prevent bloodshed.

In Numbers 36:1-13, the heads of the families of the tribe of Manasseh came to Moses with a concern about the inheritance laws. They were worried that if a woman from their tribe married someone from another tribe, their land would pass on to the husband's tribe and they would lose their inheritance. God responded by giving a new law that if a woman inherited land, she must marry within her own tribe to keep the land within the family. This ensured that the land would not pass on to another tribe and that the inheritance would remain in the family.

Overall, these laws show the importance of justice and fairness in society, as well as the importance of preserving family inheritance and lineage.

Luke 5:17-39
Luke 5:17-39 records several events in the ministry of Jesus Christ. The passage can be divided into three main sections: the healing of a paralyzed man (verses 17-26), the calling of Levi (verses 27-32), and a series of parables about new and old garments and new and old wineskins (verses 33-39).

In the first section, Jesus is teaching in a house when a group of men bring a paralyzed man on a mat, hoping to get him close to Jesus for healing. Since the house is crowded, they climb onto the roof and lower the man down through the tiles. When Jesus sees their faith, he forgives the man's sins and then heals him, proving his authority to do so.

In the second section, Jesus calls Levi, a tax collector, to follow him. Levi leaves everything behind and becomes a disciple of Jesus. Jesus then eats with Levi and other tax collectors, which draws criticism from the religious leaders. Jesus responds by saying that he came to call sinners, not the righteous.

In the third section, Jesus responds to the religious leaders' criticism by telling two parables about new and old garments and new and old wineskins. These parables illustrate the idea that the new message Jesus brings cannot be contained within the old religious practices of the Pharisees and cannot be mixed with their traditions.

Overall, this passage shows Jesus' authority and power, as well as his willingness to call people from all walks of life to follow him. It also illustrates the conflict between Jesus and the religious leaders of his day, who cannot accept his message of grace and forgiveness.