MAY 21

Numbers 34:1 - 35:8
Numbers 34:1-29 describes the boundaries of the Promised Land that God has given to the Israelites. God tells Moses to command the Israelites to divide the land among the tribes of Israel. The borders of the land extend from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River, and from the northernmost part of the country to the southernmost.

In Numbers 35:1-8, God commands Moses to set apart cities of refuge for those who unintentionally kill another person. These cities are to be located throughout the land of Israel, and anyone who has accidentally killed someone can flee to these cities to find protection from the avenger of blood. The cities of refuge are to be given to the Levites, who will serve as priests in these cities.

Overall, these passages in Numbers emphasize God's faithfulness in giving the Israelites the Promised Land and his provision for justice and protection for his people.

Proverbs 30
Proverbs 30 is a chapter in the book of Proverbs that contains wise sayings and teachings about various topics, including the nature of God, human behavior, and wisdom. Here is a brief summary of the chapter:

Verse 1-6: The chapter begins with Agur's confession of his limited understanding and wisdom compared to God's infinite knowledge and power.

Verse 7-9: Agur then asks God for two things: to keep falsehood and lies far from him and to give him only what he needs to live a simple life.

Verse 10-14: The chapter then goes on to warn against greed, dishonesty, and arrogance, using examples of those who take advantage of the poor and needy.

Verse 15-16: Agur describes four things that are never satisfied: the grave, a barren womb, a dry desert, and fire.

Verse 17: Agur then warns against mocking and disrespecting one's parents.

Verse 18-20: The chapter continues with a description of four things that are too wonderful for Agur to understand: an eagle in the sky, a snake on a rock, a ship on the sea, and a man with a maiden.

Verse 21-23: Agur then speaks against those who are arrogant and self-righteous, describing them as "an unclean thing."

Verse 24-28: The chapter concludes with a description of four small but wise creatures: ants, conies (or rock badgers), locusts, and spiders.

Overall, the chapter emphasizes the importance of humility, honesty, and respect for others, while warning against greed, arrogance, and self-righteousness. It also acknowledges the limits of human knowledge and the greatness of God's power and wisdom.

Luke 5:1-16
In Luke 5:1-16, Jesus calls his first disciples, performs a miraculous catch of fish, heals a man with leprosy, and withdraws to pray. The passage begins with Jesus preaching to a crowd of people on the shore of Lake Gennesaret. He sees two empty boats and asks the fishermen, Simon (Peter) and his companions, to launch out into the water and let down their nets. Despite their doubts, they do as Jesus says and catch an enormous number of fish. This miracle convinces Simon that Jesus is a special teacher, and he and his friends leave their livelihoods behind to become his disciples.

The passage then shifts to Jesus healing a man with leprosy, which was a debilitating and highly stigmatized disease at the time. The man begs Jesus to heal him, saying "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean." Jesus responds by touching the man and telling him to be cleansed, and the leprosy immediately leaves him. Jesus then instructs the man not to tell anyone about his healing but to show himself to the priest and offer the appropriate sacrifices.

The passage ends with Jesus withdrawing to a solitary place to pray. Despite the demands on his time and energy, Jesus recognizes the importance of taking time to be alone with God. This passage highlights Jesus' power and authority as a teacher and healer and shows the radical nature of his call to his disciples. It also emphasizes the importance of prayer and taking time to be alone with God.