Today’s Bible Reading

April 2

Old Testament I
Leviticus 9 

Leviticus 9 is a chapter in the book of Leviticus that details the consecration of Aaron and his sons as priests of the Lord. The chapter begins with instructions from the Lord to Moses on how to consecrate Aaron and his sons as priests, including the offering of various sacrifices and the anointing of their bodies with oil.

Moses follows the Lord's instructions and gathers the people of Israel to witness the consecration of Aaron and his sons. The chapter describes in detail the various offerings made during the consecration ceremony, including a sin offering, a burnt offering, and a peace offering.

After the offerings are made, Aaron and his sons bless the people of Israel, and the glory of the Lord appears to them in the form of fire that consumes the burnt offering on the altar. The people witness this miraculous event and fall on their faces in worship and fear of the Lord.

The chapter ends with Moses and Aaron going into the Tent of Meeting to perform their priestly duties, and the Lord appearing to them again to bless the people of Israel.

Overall, Leviticus 9 emphasizes the importance of the priestly office and the necessity of proper consecration and adherence to the Lord's commands. It also highlights the power and presence of the Lord, who shows Himself to the people through miraculous signs and wonders.

Old Testament II
Psalms 109

Psalm 109 is a lament psalm attributed to King David. In this psalm, David expresses his distress and calls out to God for justice against his enemies.

The psalm is divided into three sections. In the first section (verses 1-5), David calls on God to act against his enemies who have spoken against him with deceitful tongues. He asks God to turn their blessings into curses and to judge them for their wickedness.

In the second section (verses 6-20), David describes the actions of his enemies and the suffering he has endured as a result of their malicious behavior. He prays for God's vengeance against them, including their children and descendants. David also laments the betrayal of a close friend, who has joined forces with his enemies against him.

In the third section (verses 21-31), David turns his attention to praising God and expressing his trust in Him. He declares that he will continue to praise God even in the midst of his suffering, and he asks God to rescue him from his enemies. David concludes the psalm with a call to others to join him in praising God, declaring that He is a God of mercy and justice.

Psalm 109 is a raw expression of human suffering and the desire for justice in the face of wickedness. It reminds us that we can bring our pain and our struggles before God, who hears our cries and can bring comfort and vindication.

New Testament
Mark 2:23-3:12

Mark 2:23-3:12 is a passage from the Gospel of Mark that recounts several incidents where Jesus and his disciples are confronted by the religious authorities for their actions on the Sabbath.

The passage begins with Jesus and his disciples walking through a field on the Sabbath and picking some heads of grain to eat. This action is seen as a violation of Sabbath laws by the Pharisees, who confront Jesus about it. Jesus responds by reminding them of the story of David eating the consecrated bread, which was also against the law, and by asserting that the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.

The passage then goes on to describe another encounter on the Sabbath where Jesus enters a synagogue and finds a man with a withered hand. The Pharisees are watching him closely to see if he will heal the man on the Sabbath, which they believe would be a violation of the law. Jesus challenges them, asking if it is lawful to do good or to do harm on the Sabbath, and then heals the man's hand.

The Pharisees are outraged by Jesus' actions and begin to plot with the Herodians to destroy him. Jesus withdraws to the sea with his disciples, and large crowds follow him from all over the region, seeking healing and deliverance from unclean spirits.

Despite the opposition of the religious authorities, Jesus continues to heal and minister to the people, even in the face of great hostility. This passage highlights the tension between Jesus and the religious establishment of his time, who saw him as a threat to their authority and were willing to use any means necessary to silence him.

Action Point

Consecrate yourself to God and obey His commandment
bring your pain and your struggles before God. Call unto Him
Believe God for miracle & healing

it does not take great men to do great things; it only takes consecrated men
Phillips Brooks

The world has to see what God can do with a man fully consecrated to him. By God's help, I aim to be that man.
D L Moody

Consecration is not the act of our feelings but Of our WILL.
F.B. Meyer

Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable service.
—Romans 12:1

I have now concentrated all my prayers into one, and that one prayer is this, that I may die to self, and live wholly to Him."
-C H Spurgeon

Prayer Points

Thank you for your commandment
Have mercy on me
Help me to live a consecrated life to You
Deliver me from my struggles and pain
Heal me