Today’s Bible Reading

Old Testament I

Exodus 25 

25:2 Speak to the children of Israel, that they bring Me an offering. From everyone who gives it willingly with his heart you shall take My offering.

God emphasizes on giving from a willing heart. It’s a pity people have to be coerced in different ways into giving. The best way to give is from a willing heart, that’s the type of offering that is accepted by God.

What does “willingly with your heart” mean? It means you are giving without grumbling or complaining. You love that you are giving to the Lord, which is the level of giving God wants us to attain.


Old Testament II

Psalms 69

Psalm 69, a psalm of lament, is more specifically a protest of innocence.

This highly messianic psalm presents a remarkable description of the suffering of Jesus Christ. Whereas Ps. 22 describes Jesus’ physical sufferings, Ps. 69 focuses more on His emotional and spiritual suffering. Yet like Ps. 22, this psalm was written by David approximately a thousand years before the events it describes. Both psalms begin with the sufferings of David but have their full meaning in the sufferings of Jesus. 

Its structure is as follows:

  1. a cry for deliverance that expresses the psalmist’s weariness (vv. 1–3);

  2. a description of the psalmist’s enemies (v. 4);

  3. a lament that expresses the psalmist’s sense of alienation (vv. 5–12);

  4. a cry for deliverance from the mire (vv. 13–18);

  5. a lament that expresses the psalmist’s reproach (vv. 19–21);

  6. a petition for God to bring His judgment on the wicked (vv. 22–28);

  7. a determination to praise the Lord (vv. 29–36).


New Testament

Acts 14

It’s sad that some Christians literally have freedom to preach today but they wouldn’t put up a post as simple as Jesus Loves you on their social media status.

The Apostles were literally stoned to the extent they thought they were dead, and what did they do immediately when they got back on their feet? They went ahead to preach Jesus to other cities.

It’s worthy of note that we also have Christians that are bold and courageous of their faith today in countries or towns and villages that forbids them from sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. We love you and we will keep praying for you.

We would also like to encourage Christians who aren’t sharing the gospel of Jesus yet even in regions that it is totally accepted. We love you also and we pray for you to have the boldness to start sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.

There is another group of Christians who knows the right strategy to share the gospel, they know the right medium to share the gospel, they always advice other Christians preaching the gospel on how to really share the gospel, they tell other Christian they are sharing the gospel in a way that bothers the unbeliever, they term it disturbing someone else’s peace or “invading their space”. They say don’t share the gospel in a public space, if you are not allowed to speak don’t speak, they say you are scaring the unbelievers away, this group always have the most effective way to preach the gospel, except they don’t actually preach the gospel. 

Make sure you are not part of this group. Preaching the gospel was not a suggestion or optional, Jesus is very clear on it. It’s a command. Why would you even want to hoard this good news to yourself? May God give us the understanding of what THE GOSPEL is. (Amen).

Action Point

Develop an attitude of giving willingly

Make it a habit to preach the gospel

Be vocal about your faith in Jesus Christ


The only things we can keep are the things we freely give to God

-C S Lewis

God gives us to share; God doesn't give us to hold

-Mother Teresa

Before you ever get a problem, God has already got your deliverance planned.

-Joyce Meyer

Each new day is another chapter in the unfolding promise of deliverance and life

-Elizabeth George

God does not dispense strength and encouragement like a druggist fills your prescription. The Lord doesn't promise to give us something to take so we can handle our weary moments. He promises us Himself. That is all. And that is enough

-Charles R Swindoll

God gave worship so that we might become partners in his highest purposes

-Jack Hayford

Prayer Points

Thank Jesus for coming to die for our sins

Ask God for mercy for times you didn't give when you have and times you gave grumbly

Pray for the power of Holy Spirit to witness Christ

Pray for the Spirit of giving willingly

Prayer of deliverance

Pray for strength

Pray for boldness to witness Christ

Pray against the spirit of fear

Pray for wisdom knowledge and understand

Pray for the power to stand firm in your decision
