Today’s Bible Reading

March 30

Old Testament I
Leviticus 6:8 - 7:10 

Leviticus 6:8-7:10 is part of the book of Leviticus in the Hebrew Bible, which outlines the laws and instructions given by God to Moses for the Israelites. These verses specifically detail the laws concerning offerings and sacrifices made to God.

In Leviticus 6:8-13, the Lord instructs Moses on the laws of the grain offering, which was a type of offering made of fine flour mixed with oil and frankincense. The priests were to eat a portion of the grain offering in the sanctuary, but the remainder was to be burned on the altar as a pleasing aroma to the Lord.

Leviticus 7:1-10 goes on to describe the laws of the peace offerings, which were made to express thanksgiving or to make a vow to the Lord. The instructions state that the peace offerings could be made from cattle, sheep, or goats, and that the priests were to receive a portion of the offering for their food. The fat of the offering was to be burned on the altar as a pleasing aroma to the Lord, and the remaining meat was to be eaten by the person making the offering and their guests.

These verses serve as a reminder of the importance of offering and sacrifice in worshiping God and demonstrate the significance of following His commands in regards to these rituals. Additionally, they also highlight the role of the priests in administering the offerings and receiving a portion of the sacrifice for their sustenance.

Old Testament II
Psalms 106

Psalm 106 is a psalm of praise and thanksgiving to God for His great mercy and deliverance. It is a hymn of recollection, remembering God's mighty acts throughout history, especially His salvation of the Israelites from Egypt.

In verses 1-5, the psalmist calls on the Israelites to give thanks to the Lord for His abundant goodness and steadfast love. He reminds them of how God has been faithful to them throughout their history, including the time when He redeemed them from slavery in Egypt and led them through the wilderness to the Promised Land.

Verses 6-12 describe how the Israelites turned away from God and worshipped false gods, leading to their defeat by their enemies. Despite this, God did not abandon them, but instead showed them mercy and delivered them from their troubles.

In verses 13-23, the psalmist acknowledges the many times that the Israelites rebelled against God, despite His many blessings and deliverances. He acknowledges that their actions brought consequences and that they deserved to be punished, but that God showed them mercy and forgave their sins.

The psalm concludes in verses 24-31 with a final plea for God to continue to show mercy and compassion to His people. The psalmist recognizes that God's love is steadfast and that He always keeps His promises, and he calls on the Israelites to trust in God's mercy and turn back to Him.

Overall, Psalm 106 is a reminder of God's great love and mercy towards His people, despite their repeated disobedience and sin. It encourages the reader to give thanks to God for His salvation and to trust in His goodness and mercy.

New Testament
Mark 1:1-20

Mark 1:1-20 is the introduction to the Gospel of Mark in the New Testament. In this section, we see the beginning of Jesus' ministry, as He is baptized by John the Baptist and then immediately driven into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan.

Verses 1-3 introduce John the Baptist, who is described as a voice crying out in the wilderness, "Prepare the way of the Lord." He is baptizing people as a symbol of repentance, and the people are coming out to be baptized by him.

In verses 4-11, we see the baptism of Jesus. As Jesus is baptized, a voice from heaven says, "You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased." This declaration from God the Father affirms Jesus' identity as the Son of God and demonstrates His approval of Jesus' ministry.

In verses 12-13, Jesus is immediately driven into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan. This experience in the wilderness is significant because it demonstrates Jesus' commitment to God and His resolve to resist temptation.

Verses 14-15 tell us that after Jesus' time in the wilderness, He began to preach in Galilee. His message was simple: "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel." This message of repentance and belief in the gospel is at the heart of Jesus' ministry.

Verses 16-20 describe Jesus' first disciples, Simon and Andrew. When Jesus calls them to follow Him, they immediately leave their fishing nets and follow Him. This is a significant moment, as it shows the power of Jesus' message and the transformative effect it had on those who heard it.

In conclusion, Mark 1:1-20 sets the stage for the rest of the Gospel of Mark, and highlights some key themes that will be developed throughout the book. These themes include the call to repentance, the declaration of Jesus as the Son of God, Jesus' commitment to God in the face of temptation, and the transformative power of Jesus' message.

Action Points

  • Express your praise to God through singing, dancing, and words.

  • Ask for forgiveness and turn away from your sins.

  • Seek out water baptism from your pastor.

  • Spend time in prayer waiting for the power of the Holy Spirit.

  • Make following Jesus your lifelong goal.

  • Share the gospel of Christ with others.

  • Use your resources to support Christian missionaries.


Baptism with water is the sign and seal of baptism with the spirit, as much as it is of the forgiveness of sins. Water baptism is the initiatory Christian rite, because Spirit baptism is the initiatory Christian experience

-John Stott

Baptism is an outward testimony of an inward transformation. It’s the first step of obedience for a disciple of Christ.

Baptism is the initial step of a faithful heart. – -Max Lucado

When we were baptised we took upon us not only the name of Christ, but also the law of obedience. 

-Robert D. Hales

whatever we do, we must not treat the great commission like it's the great suggestion

-Charles R. Swindoll

Prayer Points

Dear Lord,

  • We come to you today to give you all the praise and honor that you deserve. You are mighty and worthy of all our worship.

  • We thank Jesus for the sacrifice he made on the cross, taking upon himself the punishment for our sins. We are grateful for the gift of salvation that you have given us.

  • We ask for the power of the Holy Spirit to fill us and guide us in our daily lives. Help us to be filled with your wisdom, love and peace.

  • We pray for those who have not yet accepted Jesus Christ into their lives. Open their hearts and minds to receive the good news of the gospel.

  • Grant us the grace to follow Jesus properly and to be a faithful witness of your love and grace to the world.

  • We lift up Christian missionaries all over the world. Protect them, provide for their needs and use them mightily to spread the gospel.

  • We ask these things in Jesus' name, Amen.
