Today’s Bible Reading

March 28

Old Testament I
Leviticus 4:27 - 5:13 

Leviticus 4:27 to 5:13 describes the procedure for the purification of individuals who have sinned unintentionally. The text lays out the steps for atoning for such sins, including the offering of a sacrifice, either a bull for the high priest or a goat or a lamb for a common person.

In Leviticus 4:27, the Lord instructs Moses to tell the people that if any of them, including the anointed priest, sins unintentionally, they are to bring a young bull as a sin offering. The bull is to be presented to the Lord, and the priest is to lay his hands on its head, confessing the sin that has been committed.

Leviticus 5:1-5 specifies that if a person sins by not giving testimony when required, they are to bring a female goat or lamb as a sin offering. The person is to confess their sin and lay their hands on the head of the sacrifice.

Leviticus 5:6-13 explains that if a person cannot afford a goat or a lamb, they are to bring two turtledoves or pigeons as a sin offering. One bird is to be offered as a burnt offering, and the other is to be offered as a sin offering.

Overall, the passage teaches that sin, even unintentional sin, has consequences and must be atoned for through the offering of a sacrifice. The purification process is a way for individuals to confess their sins and seek forgiveness from the Lord.

Old Testament II
Psalms 104

Leviticus 4:27 to 5:13 describes the procedure for the purification of individuals who have sinned unintentionally. The text lays out the steps for atoning for such sins, including the offering of a sacrifice, either a bull for the high priest or a goat or a lamb for a common person.

In Leviticus 4:27, the Lord instructs Moses to tell the people that if any of them, including the anointed priest, sins unintentionally, they are to bring a young bull as a sin offering. The bull is to be presented to the Lord, and the priest is to lay his hands on its head, confessing the sin that has been committed.

Leviticus 5:1-5 specifies that if a person sins by not giving testimony when required, they are to bring a female goat or lamb as a sin offering. The person is to confess their sin and lay their hands on the head of the sacrifice.

Leviticus 5:6-13 explains that if a person cannot afford a goat or a lamb, they are to bring two turtledoves or pigeons as a sin offering. One bird is to be offered as a burnt offering, and the other is to be offered as a sin offering.

Overall, the passage teaches that sin, even unintentional sin, has consequences and must be atoned for through the offering of a sacrifice. The purification process is a way for individuals to confess their sins and seek forgiveness from the Lord.

bible exposition of Psalms 104
Psalms 104 is a hymn of praise to God for His creation and providence. The psalm begins with a declaration of the majesty and power of God, and then goes on to describe the different aspects of God's creation and how they reflect His glory and wisdom.

In verses 3-4, the psalm speaks of God's Spirit moving over the face of the waters at the time of creation, and how God established the foundations of the earth and set the boundaries for the seas.

In verses 5-9, the psalm describes the work of God in creation, including the creation of the lights in the sky, the mountains and hills, the trees and plants, and the animals. The psalm also mentions the provision of food for all creatures.

In verses 10-18, the psalm speaks of God's care for the earth, including the regulation of the seasons, the sending of rain to nourish the land, and the provision of food for all living things.

In verses 19-23, the psalm reflects on the transience of human life and the immortality of God. It also reminds us of God's power over all living things and the ultimate dependence of all creatures on Him.

Overall, Psalms 104 is a hymn of praise to God for His creation and providence. It highlights the majesty, power, and wisdom of God, and reminds us of our dependence on Him for all things. The psalm encourages us to join in the song of creation, recognizing the glorious work of God in the world and giving Him the praise and honor He deserves.

New Testament
Acts 27:27 - 28:10

Acts 27:27 to 28:10 describes the journey of the apostle Paul and other passengers on a ship bound for Rome. The passage begins with the ship being caught in a violent storm that lasted for many days, during which time the passengers feared for their lives.

In Acts 27:30-32, Paul encouraged the passengers, telling them that an angel of the Lord had appeared to him in a vision and assured him that none of them would lose their lives. Despite the dire circumstances, Paul's words gave the passengers hope and helped to calm their fears.

In Acts 28:1-6, the ship finally ran aground on the island of Malta, where the passengers encountered the local people, who showed them kindness and hospitality. Paul was bitten by a poisonous snake while on the island, but he suffered no harm, which led the locals to view him as a god.

In Acts 28:7-10, the passengers eventually boarded another ship and continued their journey to Rome, where Paul was eventually arrested and put on trial.

Overall, this passage teaches us about the power of hope and encouragement, even in the face of great danger and difficulty. It also highlights the importance of showing kindness and hospitality to others, as well as the power of God to protect and preserve His servants. The story of Paul's journey reminds us of God's sovereignty over all things and His ultimate control over the events of our lives.

Action Point

  • confess your sins & repent

  • think things through before you make rash decisions

  • acknowledge that without God you are nothing

  • be intentional about sharing the gospel of Christ


Before you react, think. Before you spend, earn. Before you criticise, wait. Before you quit, try.

-Ernest Hemingway

“Think before you act; think twice before you speak.”

-Thomas Browne

I have one message; that Jesus Christ came, he died on the cross, he rose again, and he asked us to repent of our sins and receive him by faith as Lord and Saviour, and if we do, we have forgiveness of all of our sins

-Billy Graham

Prayer Points

  • praise God in the beauty of HIs holiness

  • praise God for He is almighty

  • ask God for forgiveness of sins and repent of your sins

  • pray for the power of Holy Spirit

  • pray for the power to yield to leading of the Holy Spirit

  • pray for the spirit of patience

  • pray for humility

  • pray for divine protection

  • prat for the fulfilment of God promises in your life

  • pray for the grace to witness Christ wherever we are no matter the circumstances

