Today’s Bible Reading

March 27

Old Testament I
Leviticus 4:1-26 

Leviticus 4:1-26 is part of the book of Leviticus, which is the third book of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament. This section of Leviticus deals with the purification offering, also known as the sin offering.

The purification offering was a ritual performed by the Israelites when they sinned unintentionally, meaning they did not intend to do wrong. The offering was made to atone for their sins and restore their relationship with God.

In this section, the Lord speaks to Moses and instructs him to tell the Israelites about the purification offering. The Lord explains the different offerings that are to be made depending on the status of the person who sinned: for the high priest, for the whole congregation, for a leader, or for an individual. In each case, the Lord explains how the offering is to be performed and how the sacrifice is to be treated.

The Lord emphasizes that the purification offering is meant to bring forgiveness for the sins committed unintentionally, and that the sacrifice must be performed with sincerity and humility. The Lord also stresses the importance of following the rules and regulations set forth for the offering, as failure to do so would result in further sin.

This section of Leviticus serves as a reminder of the importance of repenting for one's sins and the need to maintain a close relationship with God. It also highlights the central role of sacrifices in the worship and religious practices of the Israelites.

In Christian theology, the purification offering is seen as a prefiguration of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, who is seen as the ultimate sin offering that brings forgiveness for the sins of humanity.

Old Testament II
Psalms 103

Psalm 103 is a psalm of David, expressing his gratitude and love for God and His mercies. Here is a brief exposition of the key points of this psalm:

Verses 1-5: David begins the psalm with a declaration of his love and praise for God, and calls on all creatures to join him in this act of worship. He acknowledges that God is merciful and forgiving, and that His love endures forever.

Verses 6-14: In these verses, David reflects on the various ways in which God has shown mercy to him and to all people. He mentions God's healing, renewal, and redemption, and how God removes our sins as far as the east is from the west.

Verses 15-18: In these verses, David reflects on the greatness and sovereignty of God, describing Him as the King of all the earth and the Lord of all creation. He also emphasizes the immutability of God's character, noting that He remains the same, yesterday, today, and forever.

Verses 19-22: In these final verses, David expresses his confidence in God's protection and care, and prays for the Lord to bless His people. He also reminds himself and others that all of God's blessings come from His righteousness and loving kindness.

Overall, Psalm 103 is a psalm of gratitude and worship, reminding us of God's mercy, love, and grace towards us. It is a powerful reminder of who God is, and of the many ways in which He blesses us and provides for our needs.

New Testament
Acts 27:1-26

Acts 27:1-26 is the story of Paul's journey to Rome, where he was to stand trial before Caesar as a prisoner. This section of the book of Acts highlights the danger and uncertainty of sea travel in the ancient world, as well as the power of prayer and the protection of God.

In verses 1-12, Paul sets sail from Caesarea to Italy on a ship that carries a group of prisoners and a Roman centurion named Julius, who is responsible for their care. The journey begins well, but soon a violent storm threatens to sink the ship. The sailors try to save themselves and the ship by throwing the cargo overboard, but to no avail.

In verses 13-20, Paul encourages the passengers and crew by reminding them of the Lord's promise to him that he would reach Rome safely and that all those with him would be saved as well. Paul's words bring hope to the others on the ship, and they take heart.

In verses 21-26, the ship is battered by the storm for many days, and the sailors begin to despair. However, Paul has a vision in which an angel of God tells him not to be afraid and that he will stand before Caesar. Paul shares this vision with the others, and they are encouraged to eat and regain their strength.

The story of Paul's journey to Rome in Acts 27:1-26 teaches us several important lessons. First, it reminds us of the dangers and uncertainties of life and the importance of having faith in the face of adversity. Second, it shows the power of prayer and the protection of God, even in the midst of a storm. And finally, it teaches us about the importance of hope and encouragement, and how our words and actions can make a difference in the lives of others.

Action Point

  • Repent from your sins

  • make praising God a habit

  • Be open to learn from someone with more experience


Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.

-Henry Ford

We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn.

-Peter drucker


Prayer Points

  • thank God for His benefits

  • thank God for His mercy

  • thank God for His care

  • pray for forgiveness of sin and ask God for mercy

  • pray for the power of Holy Spirit

  • pray for divine blessing

  • pray for the fulfilment of God promises in your life

  • pray for divine protection

  • pray for wisdom knowledge and understanding

  • pray for the grace to accept wise counsel


