Today’s Bible Reading

March 26

Old Testament I
Leviticus 3 

Leviticus 3 describes the laws for offering peace offerings to the Lord. Peace offerings were a type of sacrifice offered by the Israelites as a means of expressing gratitude, seeking forgiveness, or making a vow to the Lord.

Verses 1-5 describes the procedures for offering a bull as a peace offering. The bull was to be a male without any blemish, and it was to be presented at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting. The bull was to be killed and its blood was to be sprinkled around the altar.

Verses 6-11 describe the procedures for offering a sheep or a goat as a peace offering. The animal was to be a male or female without any blemish, and it was to be presented at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting. The animal was to be killed and its blood was to be sprinkled around the altar.

Verses 12-16 describe the offering of the fat portions of the peace offerings. The fat was to be burned on the altar as a sweet aroma to the Lord. The priest was to eat the remainder of the offering in a holy place.

These laws for peace offerings emphasize the importance of offering the best of one's possessions to the Lord as an act of gratitude and devotion. The offerings were to be made with a heart of thanksgiving and with a commitment to live a life that is pleasing to the Lord.

Overall, the laws for peace offerings in Leviticus 3 demonstrate the central role that sacrifice played in the religious life of the Israelites. They also reveal the Lord's desire for his people to approach him with a heart of worship and devotion, and to offer themselves and their possessions to him as a means of expressing their love and gratitude.

Old Testament II
Psalms 102

Psalm 102 is a lamentation and a prayer for help and comfort in times of trouble and affliction. The psalm is attributed to David and is believed to have been written during one of his difficult times in life, such as when he was fleeing from King Saul or when he was facing persecution from his own son Absalom.

In verses 1-11, the psalmist expresses his distress and calls out to the Lord for help. He feels forsaken by God and his strength is fading away. Despite his troubles, he still trusts in the Lord and believes that the Lord will hear his cry for help.

In verses 12-22, the psalmist reflects on the Lord's character and attributes, and recognizes that the Lord is unchanging and eternal. The Lord's steadfast love and faithfulness will endure forever, and his promises to his people will never fail.

In verses 23-28, the psalmist acknowledges the Lord's sovereignty over all things and expresses his confidence in the Lord's ability to bring about justice and righteousness. He prays for the Lord to preserve Zion, his holy city, and for the Lord's kingdom to endure forever.

In verses 29-31, the psalmist prays for the Lord to answer his prayer and to show mercy to him in his distress. He asks that the Lord be mindful of his affliction and to remember his faithfulness and devotion to the Lord.

Overall, Psalm 102 is a reminder that in times of trouble and distress, we can turn to the Lord and trust in his faithfulness and steadfast love. The Lord hears our cries for help and is always there to bring comfort and hope to those who seek him.

New Testament
Acts 26:12-32

Acts 26:12-32 is a passage in the New Testament that describes the conversion of Saul (later known as Paul) on the road to Damascus. In this passage, Saul, who was previously a devout Pharisee and a fierce opponent of the early Christian church, has a vision of Jesus Christ and is transformed into one of the most influential apostles of the early Christian church.

In verses 12-18, Saul describes his vision to King Agrippa and Festus, who were skeptical of his claims. Saul explains that he was on his way to Damascus to persecute Christians when he was suddenly surrounded by a bright light and heard a voice that said, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?" Saul realized that the voice was that of Jesus Christ and was struck to the ground. When he got up, he found himself blind, and he was led by the hand into Damascus.

In verses 19-23, Saul explains how he was taught by a disciple named Ananias about the message of Jesus Christ and how he was baptized and regained his sight. He also describes how he immediately began to preach the message of Jesus in the synagogues of Damascus, declaring that Jesus is the Son of God and the Messiah.

In verses 24-29, Saul describes how he continued to preach the message of Jesus, even in the face of opposition and persecution from the religious leaders. He explains that he was eventually brought to trial before the high priest and the council in Jerusalem, but he was able to escape from their custody and continue his ministry.

In verses 30-32, Saul states that he has been chosen by God to be a witness of the message of Jesus to both Jews and Gentiles. He explains that his mission is to proclaim the message of salvation through faith in Jesus and to demonstrate the power of God by performing miracles and healings.

Overall, the passage highlights the transformative power of the message of Jesus and the life-changing impact that it can have on even the most unlikely of people. It also underscores the importance of perseverance and courage in the face of opposition and persecution for those who follow Jesus.

Action Points

  • Repent from your sins

  • Reflect on your attitude & repent where necessary


Genuine repentance must bear the seal of a corrected life.

-Lewis F Korns

Of all acts of man, repentance is the most divine. The greatest of all faults is to be conscious of none

-Thomas Carlyle

To repent means to realise that the kind of life we are living is wrong and that we must adopt a completely new set of values. To that end, it involves two things. It involves sorrow for what we have been and it involves the resolve that by the grace of God we will be changed.

-William Barclay


Prayer Points

  • Thank God always answering your prayers

  • Pray for forgiveness of sins and ask God for mercy

  • Pray for the power of Holy Spirit

  • Pray for the gifts of Holy Spirit

  • Pray for a renewed mind in Christ

  • pray for deliverance

  • pray for divine provision

  • pray for strength

  • pray for true repentance

  • pray that Holy Spirit reveals to you what you need to work on

  • pray for those yet to accept Jesus Christ

