Today’s Bible Reading

March 11

Old Testament I

Exodus 29:1-37 

Think of the stress of killing a bull everyday, but thanks to Jesus Christ, the Blood of Jesus Christ on the cross has eradicated the old practice of cleansing. All we have to do now is come boldly before the throne of Grace and ask for mercy if we err and God will forgive us. But that shouldn’t encourage sinning, because we have easy access to forgiveness and we have a merciful and Graceful father doesn’t mean we should sin. 

Someone said “we wouldn’t sin if we knew every forgiven sin had consequences”. If you sin, God will forgive you, but think of the physical implication. For example, God will forgive a thief if the thief repents and asks for forgiveness even when the thief is caught, but the thief will still be prosecuted according to government law and the thief could go to prison. In essence, everything God asked us not to do is literally for our own benefit. If we think about it, there’s no negative effect on God, but there is for us in one way or another. Therefore, run away from every appearance of sin. 

Flee from youthful passions, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart” (2 Timothy 2:22)

Old Testament 2

Psalms76 & 77 

Psalm 76 is a psalm of praise with a strong focus on the fear of God.

The psalm has four movements:

  1. a celebration of the center of worship in Jerusalem (vv. 1–3);

  2. a celebration of the victories of God against His enemies (vv. 4–6);

  3. a description of the fear of the earth at the anger of God (vv. 7–10);

  4. an exhortation to the righteous to worship the Lord (vv. 11, 12).


Psalm 77 is a psalm of a troubled believer. It is marked by a sense of inward trouble and reflection. Key terms in the psalm are the verbs “to remember” and “to meditate.”

The outline is as follows:

  1. a cry to God (vv. 1–3);

  2. doubts (vv. 4–6);

  3. a question: Has God forgotten? (vv. 7–9);

  4. focus on the goodness of God (vv. 10–12);

  5. remembrance of the incomparability of God (vv. 13–15); 

  6. remembrance that God is Lord of the sea (vv. 16–20).

New Testament

Acts 17:1-15

The Jews in Thessalonica didn’t want to receive the gospel, but they didn’t stop at that, they left their city and went to Berea to stop the people of Berea who were ready to listen. We have people like this today, they are not ready to listen and they also stop others from listening.

We have people with this kind of attitude in the church too, when an instruction is given, they don’t want to follow it and they also stop those who are willing.

We appeal to you if you are convinced in your spirit, if you are willing to do God’s will, do not let anybody, subordinate or superior stop you. Everybody will stand judgement individually on the judgement day. Don’t fall for deceit. They won’t be responsible for the consequence of YOUR DECISION, influenced or not.

Assault on Jason’s House

Associating with Christ might have gotten you harassed in one way or another, but like Jason was set free Christ has set you free from guilt, from shame, from the troubles. Jesus already won.

(And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved. Matthew 10:22

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16:33)

Action Point

Repent from your sins

Support Christian missionaries with prayers & your resources


Everybody will stand judgement individually on the judgement day. Don’t fall for deceit. They won’t be responsible for the consequence of YOUR DECISION, influenced or not.


Real Christians revel in desperate ventures for Christ, expecting from God great things and attempting the same with exhilaration.

-C.T. Studd

we talk of the second coming; half the world has never heard of the first

-Oswald J. Smith

I believe it will only be known on the last day how much has been accomplished in overseas missions by the prayers of earnest believers at home.

-James O. Fraser

Every Christian is either a missionary or an imposter

-Charles H Spurgeon

Prayer Points

Prayer of thanks to God

thank God for coming to die for your sin

prayer of forgiveness

prayer for the holy Spirit

prayer of repentance

pray that every good promises of God be fulfilled in your life in due time

God give me strength

Pray that as many that are ready to hear the gospel, God should lead his servants to them

pray that as the gospel is preached, everyone that has been blinded by the prince of this world should see the light
