Today’s Bible Reading

March 13

Old Testament

Exodus 30:11-38 

30:19–21 wash their hands and their feet: The constant need for cleansing the priests’ hands is understandable. But the feet of the priests would also be readily soiled because they wore sandals. The continual washing was symbolic of the need to be cleansed from sin regularly. Lest they die emphasizes the seriousness of maintaining the priests’ holiness before God (see also 28:43).

 30:26–29 Everything connected with divine worship had to be anointed with the special oils. In this way, the creations of the workmen became holy, set aside for special use in the worship of God.

30:30 Anointing initiated the priests into the privilege of God’s service.

 30:37, 38 No incense was to be made for personal use nor was it to be used for any other purpose than that which God commanded. It shall be to you holy for the Lord was a succinct reminder of the importance of reserving holy things for worshipping God.


Again, Grace easing the process of moving closer to God is not a licence to be an irresponsible or a reckless Christian. We still need to maintain holiness, we still need to clean our hearts, we still need to constantly examine ourselves, we still need to constantly consecrate ourselves in the place of prayer, bible study & devotion.

Old Testament 2

Psalms 78:32-72 

The structure of the poem is as follows: (continuation from yesterday)

  1. the continuing unbelief of the people (vv. 32, 33);

  2. the people’s remembrance of God’s true character and God’s remembrance of the people’s weaknesses (vv. 34–39);

  3. God’s faithfulness and the people’s unfaithfulness (vv. 40–55);

  4. Israel’s sins during the period of the judges (vv. 56–64);

  5. God’s victory over Israel’s enemies (vv. 65, 66);

  6. God’s choice of Judah, Jerusalem, and David (vv. 67–72).

New Testament

Acts 18:1-22 

Many are called few are chosen, this scenario of Paul preaching to the Jew first is like the parable Jesus said in Luke 14:15-24 about a king hosting a banquet and the people he prioritized refused to attend.

Let us not abuse the privilege we have to be chosen by God. Paul went to the Jews first probably because he believes they were the promised ones, they already go to the synagogue, they have an idea about the gospel, they are already religious.

But the gentiles who were total strangers and worshipped other gods were the one who were more open to hear and believed, meanwhile the Jews rebelled.


Now the Lord spoke to Paul in the night by a vision, “Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent; Acts18:9

God gave Paul assurance to preach. In our gospel Journey, in our bid to want to fulfil God’s mandate of preaching to the world, we should not forget the importance of staying close to God, hearing Him and taking instructions from Him.

Action Point

Repent if you have been abusing Grace

Pray for an unbeliever you know in your area

Make preaching the gospel part of your weekly goals

Take your devotion time very serious


More Christians don't hear God's voice because we've already decided we aren't going to do what He says

Aiden Wilson Tozer

Hearing the word is the devout receiving of the will of God. 

— William Ames

Hearing the Word gives birth to faith, which in turn causes action that will bring about a change and transformation of our circumstances. 

— Sunday Adelaja

If you have trouble hearing God speak, you are in trouble at the very heart of your Christian experience. 

— Henry Blackaby

Prayer Points

Thank God for Grace

Thank God for choosing you

Thank God for His faithfulness

Thank God for victory

Ask God for mercy

Pray for the power of holy spirit

Pray for boldness

Pray against unbelief

Pray for victory over your enemy
