Today’s Bible Reading
February 7

Old Testament 1
Genesis 45

Joseph had a good attitude and had a forgiving spirit. Even though his brothers did evil to him, he forgave them. He told them it was God’s plan for him to come to Egypt that if his brothers didn’t sell him he wouldn’t be in Egypt and become a ruler. Likewise we should have this attitude and forget our past, Joseph decided to see the good out of his past. We should have this attitude and see the good in our past, and if you are currently going through challenges or pain, trust God in the pain, don’t lose hope, the challenges may be to help you grow. See the good in every situation even though it’s not easy. God is with you.

Old Testament 2
Psalm 23, 24

The Lord is our shepherd. Who is a shepherd?

A Shepherd takes care of the sheep. A shepherd leads the sheep. A shepherd protects the sheep. We are the sheep (John 21:15-17). Sheep follows the Shepherd. A sheep that wanders away from its shepherd is at risk. When we follow God, we are not at risk, He takes care of us, He protects us from danger.

In psalm 24, we learn that God owns the whole world and there’s nothing hidden from Him. We also read about the quality of who could stand in God’s holy place; He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.

New Testament
Matthew 26:3-30

Whatever you do for Jesus is not a waste.

Jesus vindicated the woman who used a costly ointment to anoint His leg.

Furthermore in the scripture,

Jesus told His disciples that one of them will betray Him, Judas asked is it him? Jesus answered, thou said it. But Judas was still not careful. A lot of Christian ignore God’s warning or signs in this pattern. We need to pray against this spirit and be careful.

Action Point

Jesus is not physically present with you but He said whatever you do for the least among you, you have done it for Him. Therefore support the ministry, help the less privileged, help your neighbour, be charitable.

Think of those that have offended you in the past and forgive them


“Never worry about numbers

Help one person at a time and always

start with the person nearest you”

-Mother Teresa

Prayer Points

1. Thank God for destroying the plan of the enemies towards you

2. Ask God for the forgiveness of your sins

3. Pray for the gift of the Holy Spirit, pray for a forgiving spirit.

4. Pray for the Grace to be able to see that God is working even in your challenges

5. Pray that nothing should hinder God's plan for your life to be fulfilled

6. Pray for the spirit of obedience to follow God has He leads

7. Pray that God gives you a pure heart

8. Rebuke every spirit of ignoring God's warning



Pastor (Dr) S.A Olorunkiya, JP