Today’s Bible Reading
February 26

Old Testament 1
Exodus 17

Let's learn how to support our leaders. It's sad that some are only focused and concerned about being the leader and they do not play their own role where God has placed them. We need to know that everyone is important to God. There's no insignificant role in God. We all should work together to achieve our common goals.

Joshua was fighting at war, Moses was raising his rod, he got tired, Aaron and Hur supported his hand and they ALL won the battle. They all played their part well which led to victory. The leaders need our support and we need the leaders' support too.

It's the Spirit of pride that causes people to rebel against the leader God has chosen. If you do not support the leader, you are not neutral, you are rebelling against God who has chosen the leader.

If you are in this category, please repent and ask God for mercy.

Old Testament 2
Psalms 55

Do you feel overwhelmed by the things of this world, whatever it is, talk to God about it, He will sustain you and save you

Those that trust their bosom friends, neighbours and church members often experience disappointment from those they trust. The Psalmist was sorrowful to see those he trusted disappoint him, especially those who worshipped together with him. He said If it were the unbelievers that betrayed him, he would have understood, but those that he trusted upon devastated him. Therefore be careful in your dealings with your close friends: secularly and spiritually. Humans are wicked, only the Lord knows the mind of a man.

New Testament
Acts 9:32-43

There were good testimonies about Dorcas (Tabitha) that even made people start interceding for her.

Are we also doing good work in the church today? Do you give to the less privileged in the church?

It's sad to mention some would rather make jokes of the less privileged or only gossip about the type of cloth a person is wearing in the church today. If the person doesn't wear a fine dress, has it occurred to you if that's the only one he/she has? How about you extend love by buying a dress or more for the person

Action point

Think of ways to support the ministry and Leaders , then act accordingly

“There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up”
-John Holmes


“Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others”
-Booker T. Washington


1. Thank God for the church

2. Ask God for mercy

3. Pray for the power of Holy Spirit

4. Pray the God show you different ways you can support the ministry

5. Rebuke the spirit of pride and rebellion in the church

6. Pray against the spirit of gossip in the church

7. Pray that God makes you a blessing



Pastor M.O Shodipe