Today’s Bible Reading
February 17

Old Testament 1
Exodus 8

[8:23 I will make a difference between My people and your people. Tomorrow this sign shall be.]

While this means we have benefits and privileges as children of God.

Let's take another look at this from a different perspective.

There's a difference between those who serve God and those who don't; in appearance , in character, in communication and every aspect of their lives. But it's unfortunate today that the church tries to mimic the world. We have churches who try to blend in to save the world. The Holy Spirit does the convincing and we need to be careful about how we relate with the world to show we aren't "aliens" or "weirdo" or make Christianity look cool. We need to know the boundary. Jesus Christ related with sinners when he was on Earth but He didn't get involved in their sin and He didn't make them feel comfortable in their sin. He told them the truth with love. And the irony there is the Bible actually called us aliens (1Peter 2:12).

Old Testament 2
psalms 38 & 39

We shouldn't spend our time on earth focusing on vain things, riches and possessions are good but we shouldn't get them at the expense of our relationship with God and we shouldn't let it take God's place in our heart. We should regard God over everything. He is our hope. Our hope is not in riches or earthly possessions. This world and everything in it , including our body is temporary but God is Eternal.

New Testament
Acts 3

Sometimes we are fixated on things we don't have as the solution to our challenges, "if I could just make more money I will help the poor" "if I could just have the right job, I will have time for devotion" "if I could, if I could". And this is robbing us off the manifestation of God in our lives. God has given us everything we will ever need. We could do a lot more if we stop focusing on what we lack and start focusing on what we have. All God has given us is what we need. Moses complained to God in the same way. God told him what's in your hand ? Rather than complaining and wishing, ask yourself what's in your hand ?! Or better still, ask God what's in your hand.

We also learnt in this scripture that Peter always uses his platform and any opportunities he had to preach Christ! And this is what is expected of us as children of God.

Peter was able to perform a miracle because the Spirit of God is in him. The Disciples couldn't cast out demons before are now performing miracles because they now have the Holy Spirit.

Also Peter told the Jews that he knows they killed Jesus out of ignorance. This is the same Grace and attitude we need to extend to unbelievers as a believer. An atheist will argue with you that God does not exist and you might be persecuted in different forms. You have to know they are doing that out of ignorance. You need to preach the gospel of Christ to them and pray for them.

Action point

Only see Jesus Christ as your example. Set yourself apart. Determine not to follow wrong trends that do not glorify God

Regard God over everything!!! Make God your number one priority

Have a heart of gratitude


“What you wish is a distraction, focus on what you have”


“Gratitude to God is to accept everything, even my problems, with joy.”

-Mother Teresa

“To be grateful is to recognize the love of God in everything.”

-Thomas Merton

“We could do a lot more if we stop focusing on what we lack and start focusing on what we have”

“All you have is all you need”


1. Thank God for blessing you with His benefits

2. Ask God for mercy

3. Pray to enjoy all the benefits/privilege that comes with serving God

4. Ask God to reveal to you what's in your hand that you need to manifest and solve your challenges

5. Pray that God open the eye of the unbelievers to see the light of God

6. Pray that God gives you the Spirit to be graceful towards those who persecute you
