Today’s Bible Reading
February 11

Old Testament 1
Genesis 50


Whenever a sin is mentioned, the sinners will be shocked, when any sermon or prophecy focuses on sin, the mind of the sinners will not be at rest including the sins committed for a longer time even that which has been forgiven. This was the state of Joseph's brethren after the burial of their father, they were still begging him to forgive them thinking he would get revenge for what they had done to him. This is because their conscience did not allow them to rest, after seventeen years together in Egypt that he had been feeding them, yet they taught he will still punish them, that’s how guilty conscience will continue to harm the sinner especially the unconfessed and secret sins. These people also lied against their father that he said they should tell Joseph to forgive them, that’s how sinners will cover a sin with many sins to safeguard himself.

Meanwhile, when we confess our sins and ask for forgiveness, God is just and truthful to forgive our sins and He justifies and cleanses us as if the sins were never committed. But the conscience will still go there as if the sin is waiting to harm us. Satan and his emissaries will also be pointing to such as if the sin is there, that is why open confession is necessary because it is a way of putting yourself to ridicule and liberate yourself from the trick of the devil. Joseph told them am I in the position of God? But many put themselves in the position of God, they want to punish anyone that offends them, some harbor the offense of twenty years, some were begged yet they refuse to settle, this attitude has lured you to be sinner than the person who offended you. But if you forgive your offenders you shall be forgiven, Joseph says they thought evil of him but God has turned it to good. The annoyance of your enemy will move you to the land of your blessings in Jesus name.

Old Testament 2
Psalm 30


Weeping may endure till the night but joy comes in the morning. This is the submission of the Psalmist having found himself in a trial. He prayed with assurance of life and hope of recovery from his predicaments. He realized himself as one that will be giving praise to God and if dead cannot be possible, he is reminding God that if he is in the grave cannot praise him, this is how the vessel of God use to see claim their right before God and He do grant their request because he honours His words than His name.

Let's borrow a leave from Joseph, when he was in the prison he didn't think that he will come out that day, just a day, he was brought out from prison, they shaved his head, they changed his clothes, he stood before the king, he was made Prime Minister with all amenities, and he was also given a wife. All these were done freely to him in a day, remember his father served fourteen years to marry his mother; but just a day he attained everything needed, I tell you your morning of joy shall come in Jesus name.

New Testament
Matthew 27:27-44


The accusation laid on Jesus was that he called himself the king of Jews but today He is the King of the world that reigns throughout the universe. As they criticized him He is proven beyond reasonable doubt, as they try to eradicate him He spreads to His enemies territories. Satan thought the cross would have ended His destiny but the cross promotes Him. And He was given a name that is above any other name that in the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow, those in heaven, on earth, and under the earth must confess him as the Lord.

The crown of thorns is changed to the crown of glory, the suffering is turned to celebration, and the cross becomes the symbol of victory and glory of the Christian.

He faced all these to give you and I salvation, therefore, appreciate Him daily for His love that replaced you in condemnation and died in your place.

Action Point

Forgive yourself


Forgiving yourself is as important as forgiving others. Guilt is toxic, re-living the mistake over and over. Love yourself. Forgive yourself

Prayer Points

1. I take you as my protector Lord guide me

2. Dear God, Let me be the doer of your word not only hearer

3. I open my heart to receive your word of life

4. Dear God, give me the strength to overcome trials

5. Anything the devil is pointing at to demoralize me in prayer, Lord cleanse me and wash me that I will be whiter than snow.



Pastor (Dr) S.A Olorunkiya, JP

Pastor M. O. Shodipe