Today’s Bible Reading
January 10

Old Testament 1
Genesis 13, 14

Abraham was very rich as established in this scripture

(Remember in our previous exposition, we said we will see how Lot following Abraham would lead to trouble for Abraham later? It's in this passage - Gen 13:7)

Everywhere Lot following Abraham was mentioned. It was stated directly twice that "Lot went with him" (Genesis 13:5, Genesis 12:4 & stated once "Abraham took lot with him” Genesis 12:5).

So we could say maybe Abraham never had the intention of taking Lot, but since Lot decided to follow him, he had no choice but to let him, he couldn't send him back, I mean, Lot dad died, the nice thing to do is for Abraham to let Lot follow them right.

But it didn't matter whether Abraham was being nice or not, it caused him trouble.

This is to teach us we shouldn't compromise on God's instruction because we don't want to look bad or mean in the eyes of men.

Also we'll notice after Lot separated from Abraham, that was when God's covenant started getting fulfilled. Lot could have chosen Canaan when Abraham gave him the choice to choose a land. But it didn't, physically because he saw the other land was obviously good but spiritually because it was God's divine plan.

Furthermore, we read about the first battle in the Bible, the battle of the valley of Siddim ( Salt sea) Genesis 14:3)

(Remember when Noah cursed his son? That he will serve the others?

Well this tribe got tired of serving the other tribe so they rebelled and fought).

It so happens to be the fertile land Lot chose. He was taken captive during this war, and Abraham had to go fight to get Lot and his property back.

(Lot really became a problem to him, maybe all this wouldn't have happened if he had not taken lot with him and followed God's command totally,

Abraham probably would have offended God or lands himself in trouble if he had taken the gift king of Sodom asked him to take, but thank God for his wisdom. (Genesis 14-23)

We learn here not totally obeying God's command would put us in troubles and lead us to temptations.

Old Testament 2
Job 16, 17

Job said his friends were miserable comforters and it's easy for them to give counsels and challenge everything he says because they aren't the one in the situation he is. This is also true today, most people lack empathy when consoling someone grieving or someone going through challenges. They act like it's about them. But they aren't the one actually going through the pain.

New Testament
Matthew 8:1-27

8:4 And Jesus said to him, See that you tell no one; but go your way, show yourself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded, as a testimony to them

This passage is full of different miracles Jesus did.

Jesus healed a leper, and told him "offer the gift that Moses commanded". Jesus mentioned in a scripture ( ) last week, He has not come to abolish the law. But to fulfill it.

Here's an example of Moses' law Jesus didn't abolish. Every single law Jesus upheld has a genuine reason.

Furthermore, the passage talks about faith. We saw an example of the centurion who asked Jesus to only speak the word and he believes his daughter will be healed even though she's not where Jesus is.

There was a great storm on the sea, and Jesus was sleeping, the disciple panicked and called Him. Jesus said they were of little faith and Jesus commanded the storm to stop.

Jesus expects us to have faith and also exercise authority we have in Him.

Jesus healed Peter's mother when He visited His house. We are privileged to be associated with Jesus.

Action Point

Start exercising your authority in Jesus Christ from now

Be committed to Bible study and pray without season to help build your faith


Don’t compromise on God's instruction because you don't want to look bad or mean in the eyes of men.

Prayer Points

God separate me from everything hindering my blessings

God save me from every temptation my bad decisions has gotten me into

Dear God calm every storm in my life

I pray against every generational curse still fighting my life
